This Crowded Planet, Carol Westfall Hunterdon Art Museum |
Sphere Behind Leaves, Lizzy Farey Lizzie Farey |
Meeting of the World Torn by Winds, Dzintra Vilks Monica Ogrodowski |
Hoola System, Julian Wild Julian Wild |
This Crowded Planet, Carol Westfall Hunterdon Art Museum |
Sphere Behind Leaves, Lizzy Farey Lizzie Farey |
Meeting of the World Torn by Winds, Dzintra Vilks Monica Ogrodowski |
Hoola System, Julian Wild Julian Wild |
Ground Beneath, Jaakko Pernu Environmental Art |
Close Ties, Patrick Dougherty Stickwork |
Andy Goldsworthy Crichton University |
Nils Udo Land Art |
Wind Spiral, Brownyn Berman Artists Wanted |
Peeking Over, Goran Konjevod Organic Origami |
Yoshimi Kihara Yoshimi Kihara |
Asteroid, Mary Button Durell Mary Button Durell |
Jane Balsgaard julochka flicker set |
Jim Dine Brush Teapot, Kate Anderson Kate Anderson |
Carousel, Ferne Jacobs Brooklyn Museum |
Landscape: Hills and Dales, Lois Russell Lois Russell |
Zitronenrolle, Cornelia Konrads Cornelia Conrads |
Flowers From Sticky Wicket Wildflower Garden, Ignacio Canales Aracil Ignacio Canales Aracil |
Kay Sekimachi Berkeley Art Center |
Ciciovia aerea, Jarbas Lopes Artslant |
Willow Exploration 28, Maggie Smith Basketry Plus |
Echoed Surface, Randy Walker Randy Walker |
Stone Stoppers, Lissa Hunter James Renwick Alliance |
Mother Memory, Ann Coddington Rasr Ann Coddington Rast |
Writing on the Wall, Gyongy Laky Gyongy Laky |
Swarm, Mari Andrews enhabiten |
Because I Could not Stop for Death . . . Jerry Bleem |
Rebecca Hutchinson UMass/Dartmouth |
Anna Skibska Anna Skibska |
Jason Hackenwerth |
Paper Lantern, Arlene Fisch Bellevue Arts Museum |
Lanny Bergner |
#9, Heechan Kim |
Soundsuit #4, Nick Cave Artspace |
John Grade John Grade |
Suit of Armor, Charissa Brock Charissa Brock |
Rumpleskillskid, Doug Johnston Doug Johnston |